Credit Where Credit is Due: Good Guy Bune Delivers

Back in September I performed my first conjuration of a demon from the Lesser Keys of Solomon.  Specifically, I conjured Bune using the ritual in Jason Miller’s Sorcerer’s Secrets.  I offered public praise and a copper seal in exchange for a boost to my monthly income from passive online sources.

September and October saw no action on that front.  I was initially I was concerned — my agreement hadn’t included a formal end or escape clause.  And there was the strange scene where Bune showed up and told me to get out of his way and let him work.

November, December, and January, however, have delivered.  Although Bune wasn’t able to do much through my passive sources — a small KDP boost — I did see a marked increase in real work coming in, both from the dayjob and side projects.  I’ve already sold five copies of the novel I put out at the beginning of the month, and I haven’t even promoted it much because I’m still delivering Kickstarter rewards.

I didn’t get quite the amount I asked for, but in retrospect a 50% boost in my income may have been just too much.  So I have paid Bune his copper seal, and here I offer public praise.

My wealth has increased thanks to Bune!  All hail!

On a related note, hit me up for Bune talismans in copper or silver.

Announcing the Mark of the Wolf (Book of Secrets Vol. I)


When Margaret is attacked by what she believes to be a werewolf, her life is turned upside down. Confused and afraid, the only people she feels safe going to for help are the strange goth kids that everyone says are witches.

Dominic and Aaron are Pagans, not fools, and smell a trap. But Jacob insists they take her seriously. When they agree to help her, they – and all their friends – are swiftly drawn into a larger world of monsters and magic more dangerous than they had ever suspected was real.

This is the 90s nostalgia novel every queer and witchy horror fan as been waiting for.

After ten years of drafting and three years of editing, my debut novel is finally here.  The kindle edition is already out, and the paperback is coming very soon (shortly after the final print proof arrives on my doorstep, actually).  I’m diligently working on getting all the preorders out to my kickstarter backers.

The book (and the series to follow) and the world in which it is set are what I hope you will agree are an artful blend of genre tropes, folklore, the Western Mystery Tradition, and thematic innovation.  I think you, my readers and fellow occult nerds, will find it particularly interesting.  The characters will be painfully familiar to anyone who was practicing Witchcraft in the Midwest in the late 1990s.  The setting will be hilariously familiar to anyone who has spent any amount of time in Lawrence, KS.  And the story, I think, will be excitingly fresh to anyone who has spent any amount of time in the urban fantasy and occult horror genres.

Proof of Life

I am not dead.

I have not quit.  Well, not quit this, at any rate.

I apologize for my absence.  There have been shenanigans.  There has also been a great deal of artistic productivity.  I’ll be talking about the latter a lot.  It’s good stuff, y’all.  I’ll only be talking about the former a little, and that probably more than I should.

There’s also been a bit of magic, and I’m going to be talking about that almost as much as the art.  It’s been exciting and, wow, y’all, have I got some stories to tell.