Stomach-soothing Ginger Tea

Something made me sick yesterday.  I’m not sure if it was the perhaps-too-old soup I had for lunch, or the reubens Aradia and I had for dinner Wednesday night.  Several friends recommended Kimchee – which, granted, I’ve been meaning to add to my fermentation experiments; it’s on the list after kimbucha – but I wasn’t willing to pour that into an already sour stomach.  So the Squirrel Bandit provided me with this:

Take a 3 inch thumb of ginger (do not bother to peel it -just cut off funky parts)and grate it or slice it into a small soup pot  and 6 cups water (2 cups if you are making syrup for later in the week). Boil until  the kitchen smells like ginger and the water gets yellowish, add 4 Tb honey and wait a few minutes. If you can handle it add 2 Tb lemon or lime juice.

Drink hot or add syrup to seltzer after chilling.

Tasty and soothing.

Aradia’s Kuri Pumkin Soup

This recipe was invented spontaneously, after reading half a dozen recipes.  The pumpkin we used also has a French name, which translates as “walnut pumpkin”, but I can’t find a reference at the moment.

6 lbs kuri pumpkin, halved & cleaned (appx. 5-6 pumpkins)

2 apples, diced

1 onion, diced

7 cups of chicken stock

1 cup of apple cider

1 tsp each, ground: cumin, nutmeg

1/2 tsp each, ground: cardamom, clove, ginger, cinnamon, pepper

1 cup cream

Crème fresh.

Begin by halving your pumpkins.  Kuri pumpkins are small, but very hard to cut according to our sources.  (Apparently our sources didn’t have a good Chinese cleaver.)


Baste the halves with olive oil, season with salt and pepper, then bake at 350 for about 60-90 minutes – basically until they’re done.  Check on them every 15-20 minutes after 45.  When ready, pull the pumpkins from the oven and set them aside.

While the pumpkins cool so that you can touch them, dice the onion and apples, and measure out your spices.  When you can handle the pumpkins, scoop out the flesh into a stock pot.  Add the other ingredients and boil them on medium to medium-high (you know your stove better than I) for an hour or so, until the flavors are starting to come together.


It won’t be quite right yet.  Don’t worry.  Puree the soup in a food processor or with a boat motor, whichever you prefer.  The flavor should be coming together now.  Allow to cook until you’re ready to serve, then add the cream.

Serve with a dollop of crème fresh … or sour cream if you’re poor like us.

We served ours with a loaf for farl bread, from Paul Hollywood’s “100 Great Breads” (p.31).
