Credit Where Credit is Due: Good Guy Bune Delivers

Back in September I performed my first conjuration of a demon from the Lesser Keys of Solomon.  Specifically, I conjured Bune using the ritual in Jason Miller’s Sorcerer’s Secrets.  I offered public praise and a copper seal in exchange for a boost to my monthly income from passive online sources.

September and October saw no action on that front.  I was initially I was concerned — my agreement hadn’t included a formal end or escape clause.  And there was the strange scene where Bune showed up and told me to get out of his way and let him work.

November, December, and January, however, have delivered.  Although Bune wasn’t able to do much through my passive sources — a small KDP boost — I did see a marked increase in real work coming in, both from the dayjob and side projects.  I’ve already sold five copies of the novel I put out at the beginning of the month, and I haven’t even promoted it much because I’m still delivering Kickstarter rewards.

I didn’t get quite the amount I asked for, but in retrospect a 50% boost in my income may have been just too much.  So I have paid Bune his copper seal, and here I offer public praise.

My wealth has increased thanks to Bune!  All hail!

On a related note, hit me up for Bune talismans in copper or silver.