I’m quitting Meta. I’ve been begging my friends for years to quit with me, but this summer i stopped using my accounts because i was just too busy (and found the experience so miserable) and discovered that it had, on the one hand, no discernable effect on my sales; and, on the other hand, an enormous positive effect on my mental health. I’ve been planning this exodus since this summer, and Zuck’s most recent fuckeries are only confirming that I’ve made the right decision.
But, there’s a lot of people who don’t want to move to the websites I do use (for a wide variety of reasons, all of them valid), but who do want to keep track of what I’m doing, so I’m making two newsletters: one just for jewelry, and one for basically everything. Followers of this blog, of course, already have the options to receive everything by email and rss. (Though I need to make the buttons easier to find.)
Assuming I’ve set everything up properly, the forms below will allow you to sign up to those lists. (I won’t know for certain until someone successfully uses them.)
Hidden Worlds of JS Groves Newsletter
The everything newsletter. Expect monthly emails that look a lot like my patreon monthly update posts, and occasional other announcements. I may someday escalate to weekly newsletter content, but never more than that. You can sign up using the form below, or the one on my main web page, jsgroves.com
Sorcerer’s Workbench Newsletter
For shop updates: new designs, my rare sales, and occasional more entertaining communiques. Most months you’ll get nothing. I cannot imagine the circumstances that would lead me to sending out messages more than weekly (plus an occasional correction).