1st – Self, Viewpoint
the window through which you and the world view one another
Princess of Swords
clarity & mental renewal; restlessness and quarrelsome behavior
conflict & clarification
The Princess of Swords is a fairly natural outlook for someone in school, and the quarrelsome angle totally fits me all day long.
2nd – Finances, Income
communication, neighbors, short distance travel
Prince of Wands
new momentum, initiative, and enthusiasm
readiness for action; taking risks; renewal
My financial aid doesn’t quite cover my housing, so a change in my financial situation is welcome news. It looks like I’ll need to go out on a limb to take advantage of this, but I’m prepared for that.
3rd – Daily Experiences
immediate influences
6 Disks – “Success”
increase, gain, favorable synergy, welcome developments
encourages taking advantage of situations as they present themselves
It looks like life will continue to improve over the course of the month, so long as I don’t turn down opportunities as they come my way.
4th – Home-place
family, land, roots
Queen of Swords
clr – 4 S – “Truce”
The Queen of Swords being a very odd card for the 4th House, I asked for clarification … and was given the Four of Swords. I can only take this to mean that I must be discerning in the balance I achieve between rest and work, and in the battles I pick.
5th – Fun / Pleasure
children, hobbies, lovers
VII the Chariot
thirst for adventure, boldness
new relationship, making a leap forward
I’m starting to get restless – even if I didn’t just know that, it’s there in the 1st House – and, fortunately, it looks like there’s going to be things to do and people to see (and very likely, hopefully, vice versa).
6th – Work
illness, duty, routine
3 Swords – “Sorrow”
clr – 9 C – “Happiness”
bad news, heartbreak
miscalculation, not passing an exam
bliss, meaningful experience, enjoyment of work
This clarification turned into more of a contradiction. I can only infer that, in my enjoyment of my studies and residence life, I may loose track of my priorities and fuck something up but good.
Or, maybe everything will go well except that no amount of scientific medicine or magical healing will clear up this sinus hell.
7th – Partnership
associations, spouse
6 Cups – “Pleasure”
reawakening spirits, emotional recovery, well-being
blossoming feeling; sensual pleasure; sexual fulfillment
This is interesting in the way that it agrees with the 5th House, which usually speaks more to short-term lovers, as opposed to the “marriage” ideas associated with this House.
This is doubly interesting in that I’m explicitly looking for … not “casual”, because it’s never that for me, but certainly nonexclusive.
8th – Taboo / Crisis
sex, death, taxes, loans
rebirth and renewal
3 Disks – “Works”
the process of transforming ideas to reality; slow progress and consolidation
encourages cementing that which has already been achieved
This seems to expand on the opportunities presented in the 2nd House. I need to keep my irons in the fire and work them slowly, but methodically.
9th – Higher Perception
journey, movement
IV the Emperor
willingness to take responsibility; security and leadership
structure, order, and realistic thinking
The Emperor is not a card I generally associate with anything spiritual, but it makes sense in light of the fact that I will be beginning my month of Malkuth-work in two days.
10th – Recognition
career, ambition, status
Queen of Cups
sensuality, devotion
spiritual tasks and artistic inspiration
I am going to be more recognized for my creative and magical works this moon. I should really send out some of my stories again.
11th – Friendships
groups, social activities
I the Magus
activity, resolution, will power, concentration, mastery
attraction, taking the first step, accepting oneself and others
Returning again to themes seen in the 5th and 7th Houses, this will be a busy month for my social calendar.
12th – Secrets & Fears
hopes, ambitions
V the Heirophant
search for truth, experience of meaning, expansion of consciousness
search for meaning; self-examination
The Heirophant is a card I rarely associate with anything good, but I must keep in mind that Crowley’s Heirophant of the Age of Aquarius (Horus) is not the Pope of the Age of Pisces. This, too, may refer to my experiments in ceremonial magick. Or possibly to my desire to set myself up as an occult spiritual leader here on campus.
+2 – Current Position /
Outside Influences
Prince of Cups /
5 Swords – “Defeat”
The Prince of Cups is my card, so to see him at the center here is no surprise. That lies in the 5 of Swords – a card which seems to belie the otherwise overwhelmingly positive reading. Will I be betrayed this month? Forced to eat crow repeatedly? Will this be the manifestation of the “Sorrow” seen in the 6th House?
Me / You
– 1st, 7th
Princess of Swords &
6 of Cups
I will be intellectual, cantankerous, and my usual self. They will be sensual and inexplicably drawn to me.
From Where To Where
– 4th, 10th
Queen of Swords to
Queen of Cups
While the Queen of Swords makes little sense to me on her own in the 4th House, as a part of this pair she makes perfect sense. Evolving events will help me move from the hard, more distant, cerebral, and cold parts of my personality to the more fluid, more intuitive and intimate, warm expressions.
– 1st, 5th, 9th
temperament and self-development
Prince of Swords
VII the Chariot
IV the Emperor
The Prince of Swords cannot stand up to the combined might of the Emperor and the Chariot – two of the most fiery Trumps in the deck. I’m going places, and I’m going full-tilt-boogie. Passion will overrule intellect.
– 2nd, 6th, 10th
home, money and work
Prince of Wands
3 Swords & 9 Cups
Queen of Cups
There is no earth in my Earth Trine. That never bodes well, despite otherwise auspicious indications in that direction.
– 3rd, 7th, 11th
ideas, contacts, and conversation
6 Disks – “Success”
6 Cups – “Pleasure”
I the Magus
Earth, water, and the Magus – it’s going to be a very Epicurean month, and I’m going to love it.
– 4th, 8th, 12th
intuition, yearnings, and moods
Queen of Swords
3 Disks
V the Heirophant
Although there is a Queen here, she is the Queen of Air. My Watery nature will, for this month at least, largely be dominated by the other elements.
Underlying Theme
XIX the Sun
Over all, I think things are going to do damn fucking well.