The label for my wormwood infusions, both rum and vodka. Originally a mediocre pencil drawing, made awesome and green with the Gnome Image Manipulation Program.
Showing all posts tagged alchemy
Lavender Infusion
At the same time that I started my wormwood infusion experiment, I started an infusion of lavender vodka. The recipe was simple: 1/2 cup of lavender flowers infused into 750ml of 360 Vodka. I let them steep for three days, then strained them out with a coffee filter and funnel.
The results are beautiful. Sweet Dionysus.
Over rocks and with a proper portion of tonic water, the lavender vodka is like a glass of pure summer: lying in the sun at the edge of the water, the wind playing through my hair.
Mad Satyr Wormwood Infusion

My primary flying potion is absinthe. Although a touch unconventional (not having any deadly poisonous hallucinogens or rendered baby fat or any of that), I find it highly effective, particularly when combined with drumming and occasionally marijuana. The major problem is that it’s fucking expensive, and it flies a little in the face of my DIY ethic. So I’m trying to make my own.
The First Experiments: Bacardi 151 Rum (151 proof) vs. 360 Vodka (40 proof)
Herbs – ground together and sifted into repurposed glass bottles.
3/4 oz. wormwood (~1/2 cup)
2 Tbs. star anise
1 Tbs. fennel
1 Tbs. mint
1 tsp. hyssop
1 tsp. angelica
1/2 tsp. coriander
1/4 tsp. caraway
Infusion – liquor poured over the herbs. Then the waiting.
One batch of herbs is being infused into 151 proof rum, the other into vodka. While my recipes call for high-proof rum, or even pure grain alcohol, I have some serious doubts as to how that’s going to work with the flavor profile. I’m also a little skeptical that the high proof is actually necessary for thujone extraction. Finally, in the backassward states I live in, high proof alcohol is taxed to the point where it is actually more expensive than alcohol fit for human consumption (and, living in the United States, there’s always the issue of denaturing). My research recommends three to ten days for thujone extraction, and basically the same time frame (at least three days, or until you run out of patience) for other herbal infusions. These, my first experiments, were infused for four days.
Neither infusion took on the characteristic green color of absinth: both are rather brownish. If I recall correctly though, the green comes from a second variety of wormwood and from the mint, which I may add more of.
Both varieties have a strong bitter undertone, which I had hoped to avoid with the short infusion period. The rum infusion tastes much more like absinthe than the vodka, and the native flavor of the rum covers the bitterness a little. Mixing the vodka infusion with sugar and water opens up the flavor and dials back the bitterness; I believe that a second lump of sugar will perfect the cocktail. (I will report on the rum infusion when I deliver it to the friend who paid for the experiment.)
Visionary results from the wormwood infused vodka were well within expected parameters. I suspect the same will be true of the rum infusion.
Conclusions and Sources
One of my two primary sources for this experiment recommended infusing the alcohol with the wormwood first, then the other herbs. I will do this for my next experiment, tasting it as it steeps so as to better gauge the efficacy and bitterness over time. I may also steep each of the herbs individually so as to best understand their flavor elements, as well.
Each 750 ml experiment lost about 20% of its volume to the herbs, which I had infused loose. I will tie the next batch in cheesecloth or cotton, which satchel I will be able to better extract the finished potion. Larger batches may also help solve this problem, as the herbs can only absorb so much liquid.
The above experiment was cobbled together from two recipes:
Dangerous Minds DIY Absinth – Originally intended for use with a still.
Ingredients: Alcohol 80% and herbs (the most common bought in the chemist’s, in grams per 1 liter of alcohol):
Wormwood: 100 g
Fennel (fruit): 50 g
Anise: 50 g
Mint: 15 g
Melissa: 8 g
Chamomile: 3 g
Cumin: 10 g
Angelica: 10 g
750 ml. 151 rum
One ounce dried chopped wormwood
One tablespoon fennel or anise seeds
One tablespoon dried angelica root
One teaspoon dried hyssop leaves
One half teaspoon coriander seeds
One quarter teaspoon caraway seeds
One pinch cardomon pods
750 ml. 151 rum
And for future reference: another Homemade Absinthe Recipe.
My Chaos Altar and Alchemy Lab
Coming back to the Sunrise Temple with some new plans, I’ve done a bit of rennovation. Specifically I’ve rebuilt and organized my secondary altars. It’s a little silly but I’m kinda proud of them.
Featuring my mask dedicated to Baphomet. To the left is a paper skull representing Thatatos, and to the right a glass vial for Eros, to be filled with Venus oil once I’ve perfected a blend. And, of course, my first Chaosphere: hand drawn with a pencil, compass, and ruler, then inked with a variety of pens. It’s got a nice kick already.
Yes, it’s a glorified spice cabinet. It’s even right over my stove. The bottom shelf are the things that might actually go into food. The next are teas and things that may be brewed as tea. The third shelf are things that can’t, shouldn’t, or (for whatever reason) won’t be ingested, and the high shelf if full of empty bottles waiting to be filled with fun things.
An Alchemical Experiment in Fiery Protection
Despite my good intentions, I didn’t do much for the Solstice this year. My planned trip out to Gaea the weekend before, with Aradia, Pasiphae, and Aidan, was cancelled due to a conflicting event[1]. The Solstice proper was mostly consumed by Sannafrid’s arrival, insomnia, and napping. Hell, I didn’t even manage to do my usual monthly reading.
I did, however, manage to start my own batch of Fiery Wall of Protection Oil. I used Polyphanes’ recipe, but my process ended up being a bit different. I didn’t have all of the ingredients I needed on hand, but I really wanted to take advantage of the astrological conditions: it was the Summer Solstice, the third day of the Dark Moon, and the first day of the Lunar Month and the waxing moon. So I ultimately split the construction and consecration of the oil over three separate occasions.
Wednesday, at the Hour of the Sun, about two hours after the peak of the Solstice, I put together about half the ingredients[2] in solution with the olive oil. The charge the oil took was very Solar, with a a Fiery heart.
Friday, at the Hour of Mars, I put together the remaining ingredients and added the castor oil[3]. The oil took on a much more frantic, fiery character. In between sessions and after, I left the bottle to rest on Aradia’s altar.[4]
Abramelin Oil
Back in November, when I was still on track with my work through Penczak’s Temple of High Witchcraft, I started a batch of Abramelin Oil. I finally got around to distilling it. As described previously, I used Aaron Leitch’s technique, and about 3.5 oz total dry materia.
Mixed with 1.6 oz olive oil (a hair short of the 2:1 ratio the recipe called for, but I’d rather it a little strong over a little weak), it’s still a pretty amazing shade of red. Below was my net result, which turned out pretty awesome:
I’ve thrown the Dead Head back in the cabinet to try to extract whatever’s left, and will add that in a month or two once I’m content I’ve gotten out all the essential oil that I can.
In the mean time this will make a pretty awesome offering and dedication oil.