The Keeper of Earth
A priest/ess and oracle, the title Keeper of Earth originates in the idealized coven structure that I developed for a series of experimental rituals (as yet never performed), and have used in both my (as yet unpublished) novels and the public rituals I have written in my capacity as a member and now chair of the HSA Sacred Experience Committee.
This image represents my first attempt at using Photoshop more vigorously than simple photo development, combining two images from very different times and places. The top image, the Keeper of Earth, herself, comes from my most recent photo shoot, at the beginning of the month, with the delightful Kajira Bound. The background image comes from Olympia, taken during my study abroad in Greece. Together they form the prototype for a maybe-someday-maybe-not oracle deck that I occasionally hypothesize.
If you would like to see more of my work, please check out my portfolio.