Grand Opening: the Sorcerer’s Workbench!

After more than a year of talking about it, and jokingly referring to my personal projects as having come “from the Sorcerer’s Workbench”, I soft-launched an etsy shop at the end of march. By the end of May, very much to my surprise, I had over $200 in sales. Clearly there is an interest in mid-range fine talismanic jewelry, and I am delighted to fill that niche.

Welcome, now, to the grand opening of the Sorcerer’s Workbench! I have a dozen designs already available for sale.

Some designs are based on traditional grimoires such as Agrippa, the Picatrix, and the Lesser Key of Solomon.

Others are inspired by modern grimoires such as the Hekataeon.

Still others are riffs on tradiditonal/folk/mythic images, or inspired by my own spirit contacts.

I also do custom work, designing images based on your needs and inspirations, and incorporating whatever gemstones and sigils you desire.

So, please: check out my shop, and hit me up if you have any questions or commissions!