Crash, Burn, and Recovery: a New Lesson Learned from Venus

A while ago I had the opportunity to hit a series of elections that included a Saturn election one day and a Venus election the next.

The Saturn election went great. I had visions of spirits the night before, intense pre-verberations and insomnia. I just finished up the talismans the other day, and they are On Point.

The Venus election was a bust. No problem with the election, as far as I can tell, but I was so caught up in other kinds of preparation that I was twenty minutes late turning on my electromelt. I should have just quit then, but I really wanted to hit that election . So I hoped and I prayed and I proceeded as if success was possible. I set up the altar. I burned the incense. I chanted the invocations. I could feel the potent and eager Venusian spirits gathered around me to fill the metal, and I tried, I really tried, to get the metal hot enough to pour and hit that election.

I fucking failed. By the time the metal was finally ready to pour, Venus had crossed the midheaven. Technically Venus was still within orb, and I know that others have had success within those parameters, but … I knew immediately that I hadn’t, at least not that time. Strangely, and possibly of note to other magicians, the spirits hung about in my studio until I poured the metal, even though they did not apparently go into the talismans.

My initial concern was that I’d made curse talismans. So I did extensive divination. I got a bunch of weird mixed messaging, but the gist seemed to be that they weren’t cursed … I just had to decide what to do with them. The only clear and good option was 10 Disks for slagging them, and that was a monetary concern. Also good, but significantly less clear, was the Ace of Cups for “do something else” … except every “something else” I proposed after that initial reading was just as muddy.

Eventually, I just used them as photographic exemplars and kept them as well-consecrated materia for the next Venus election.

In retrospect, the talismans may not have been cursed, but the failed electional ritual definitely did a number on me. I fell into a depression that didn’t really lift until I had melted the failed talismans down (with appropriate thanks and apologies) and cast them into the next cohort of Venus talismans.

That batch of talismans is now fermenting happily on my altar. I have their names and sigils and will be writing them up for sale soon … once I’m done processing the cohort that came after (that will almost certainly be done by the time this post goes live).

I’m still not entirely sure what was going on with that divination, or with the depression. I don’t know if it would have gotten better faster if I’d melted the miscast talismans down sooner, of if I had done some more elaborate propitiation ritual. Or maybe I had just pushed myself too hard that week and would have crashed, after, even if the ritual had been a shining success.

But I want to share this story for the benefit of other astromages, so if you all experience something similar, they know you’re not alone.

From the Sorcerer’s Workbench: Anvil of Hephaestus Devotional Pendant

Behold the second of April’s additions to the Sorcerer’s Workbench: a pendant for devotees of Hephaistos, the Greek god of fire, the forge, metalwork of all kinds, and the broad portfolio “craft” which overlaps with the territory of the goddess Athena.

With Dionysos and Zeus out of the way, Hephaistos was the obvious next choice for Olympian devotional talismans. I have a miniature anvil which has served as an altar to him and which has lived on my workbench since it was first given to me by a lover in 2006. His image hangs over my workshop. Those hours not devoted to the work of the muses are devoted to the works of fire and hammers and tongs.

As such, I didn’t need to do much research for this image. I chose to depict a blacksmith’s tools rather than a jeweler’s because they will be more universally recognizable: anvil and hammer and tongs. And I included the modern elemental triangle of fire, partially to fill that negative space and partly because Hephaistus rules primal elemental fire, not just its use in art and artifice.

The detail didn’t come out in the metal quite as perfectly as I might have liked, so I may redo the design some day, but I’m still very pleased with it, overall.

Our society, like that of ancient Greece, habitually and systemically overlooks the skilled craftsfolx who design and make the things we use every day, and the gods who rule over those works. This image gives me, and others like me, a piece of jewelry with which to declare our devotion to the life of fire and metal, craft and artifice, and this fiery god who rules it.

From the Sorcerer’s Workbench: Lightning of Zeus Devotional Pendant

The second new design appearing at the Sorcerer’s Workbench this month: behold the Lightning of Zeus.

I considered several gods as the second Olympian in my line of devotional imagery: Hephaestos, Hera, and Athena were all toward the top of my list. I chose Zeus for three reasons. Firstly, he’s the king of the gods, and including him second after Dionysus is potentially problematic in the first place. Second, of the Olympians, he is the one I have the least personal connection to and therefore represents the greatest inspirational challenge. And, third, he has the benefit of a clear and obvious icon: the lightning.

As with my other devotional images so far, my brainstorming for this devotional image of Zeus took me back to some Attic vase-painting. The image below, borrowed from and dating to the 5th century BCE, was particularly inspirational.

I love the way the lightning looks like a dagger from a fantasy roleplaying game, and something about it reminds me of a phurba (though that’s almost certainly just an artist-brain shape-association thing, not a real cross-cultural connection).

Anyone looking at this can tell that the wouldn’t have been possible without multiple symmetry tools. Despite that, it was still two solid hours of fussing from initial inspiration to the final product you see above. Then, having done up the design, I showed it to a friend who *does* have a personal connection with Zeus.

Above and beyond the pure artistic joy of sharing with friends, I wanted to make sure the vibes weren’t off. Vibe check came back double-plus good, so I put it into production. Then things got crazy with the holidays, and the depression, and here we are in April, finally putting the design out into the world.

Ultimately, I am very pleased with my design, and with how that design translated into the metal. I hope that you are, too, and find it worthy for your altar or as a gift for your Zeus-worshipping friends.

Although I have so far only cast exemplars in brass and bronze pendant-shapes, these are available in all the metals I usually work in, and as either coins or rosary pieces.